At twenty he is ready to have sex always, thirty he misses two times a week. And after forty - one per month

What do you do when an intimate closeness has ceased to be for her beloved thing to a must-have? Scientists do not get tired to prove: the sex – this is the most pleasant panacea. And from everything. List of features of this measure is practically endless: he acts as an antioxidant and antibiotic, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, removes insomnia and even prolongs life! It's a universal cure. True, even here not without a very simple meaning but: to make the vehicle work, to him at least three times a week.
Well, if everything is in order, but if it is your favorite become the avoid an intimate situation, and no longer, pulls you into the bedroom, at the first opportunity? The options are two: either it is your sex life has become worse for him than a bitter radish, either we mark small problems "out there".
It's no secret that problems in the sexual area with a strong floor is going through a very painful. Nothing beats his self-esteem, such as problems with the "best friend". Experiences come so global that they take up almost 90 % of the time men! So here mending a broken tap or planning the family budget, if at stake is his manhood all...
It is not necessary to wait until the intimate problems of calculations all one hundred percent of your attention. Failure in bed – the phenomenon is temporary, and the right approach will help to eliminate them. For a start it is necessary to find out what exactly happened to cause his "can not".
Course – health
Andrologists (specialists who deal with intimate health man) came to the sensational conclusion: in each of the male homo sapiens laid a huge sexual skills, thanks to which it is able to meet the 15 (!) women after wearing. After this discovery arises a completely logical question: where is the end, it was all this sexual energy?
As it turns out, it's unreasonable, and sometimes completely indifferent relation to his health. With a strong floor is not tired of the view of suffering, picked up a common cold, but as soon as the symptoms appear more serious – even at what price to appeal to the doctor.
And in between, a malfunction in our body, can have an impact on his sexual stamina. 60% of the cases a decrease in potency it is related with health. And often the male "want" affects the nausea of the systems and organs, which are as nothing: cardiovascular, endocrine, and digestive. And chronic diseases are able to permanently reduce the level of male hormone testosterone by up to 15%. That, of course, leads to a weakening of libido.
How to help? Return potency "on the spot", it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. Then he comes back and manly strength. And get used to a partner to a healthy lifestyle. For example, non-smokers men have sex twice as often!

Tired? To spend time!
According to statistics, every eighth person on the planet suffering from CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). It's long-lasting fatigue that does not go through even after sleep and rest, and reduces the function of the organism more than double. Stress, pressure at work, bad ecology is part of the bouquet under the name of "chronic fatigue syndrome". So if a person is prone to all of these equipment about, barely feminine charms be inspired by his actions in the bedroom.
Like a lady – a small test. If your intimate life mostly below average, but in a wonderful way enables during the holiday – why it is just in this.
Everyone knows that the japanese are obsessed with work – they are constantly trying to find the perfect formula work. And at the same time is recognized as the most asexual people. Conclusion: the work – it's good, but the rest – a task no less important.
How to help? Give a fight "syndrome of the businessman" can be only one way – grab your beau and go with him to the other end of the country, or at least to chat. The most important thing is that the phone has been disconnected and the holiday lasted no less than two weeks. And than an active program for the holidays, the better! After returning to the normal mode, to find a common hobby, which will prevent your loved one remain at work until the late evening hours.
If the "second heart" naughty
The ancient greeks were aware of the importance of prostate cancer, and even called her the second heart of the man. So the figures are portrayed the prostate as an independent man. This is understandable: the problems with the "second" immediately reflected on the intimate life of a man, yes, and life in general.
Snap a disappointing diagnosis is actually very simple – freeze, waiting for the station to overdo it in the gym or lead an irregular sexual life.
The availability of prostatitis characterized by painful or difficult urination. And while the chronic form and such symptoms may be, but the first and very unpleasant bell – reduction of the erection.
Only 10% of men go to the doctor. The remaining 90% is trying to solve the problem with viagra, or even refuse to intimate life.
How to help? Noticed that your partner became irritated, and your family life it is possible to call as you please, but just not sexual, urgently to take measures. Make the progress of the horse: tell your husband that you have some issues, and the gynecologist advised him checked. So a visit to the doctor is not to harm his your vanity. To highlight the disease, there is no need to bother with a preventive inspection at the urologist and receiving a multivitamin.
As for the first time

You stay together, he caresses you, but in terms of itself is interesting, with him nothing will happen... It is a nightmare for every person, and how bold and confident whether I was macho, is he still afraid of failure in bed. Especially if this is your first intimate meeting. And especially if you are as strong as you. As the misfires most often occur in the still inexperienced young men, that clearly and they don't know how to give pleasure to the partner. But also older men may suffer from painful fiasco, especially when you're not confident in yourself.
How to help? If such an event occurred, in any case, do not joke about it. Just translate the attention to something else. After all, there are many other equally pleasurable ways to achieve orgasm. It can be a caress of the hand or licking. And when he's nervous cavalier mastered and released, then will be able to finally please you mighty erection.
Everything on wheels!
The secret of the highlanders-centenarians – in the physical work: even stepping centenarian abroad, they don't stop their normal jobs with the household chores.
For us it is most often composed differently: a sedentary way of life – it is the reality that nowhere is still around. And if with work everything is clear: you don't care, and their eight hours behind a desk need to recite, then with relaxation – a disaster. If your blessed to spend the weekend on the couch – it is unlikely that the best way to keep the potency alive and well. The consequences of such entertainment: weak current lymph circulation, stagnation in the intestines plus a collection of other problems, which is not the best way affect on health. For example, the reception of life behind the wheel impairs blood circulation in the genital organs, and this leads to inflammation of the prostate gland.
How to help? Starting point: standing with a nice on roller skates or cross country skis! The point is, that to save your love life can only speed sports that require you to work the muscles of the pelvic floor. Yes, and any other physical strain, in addition to chess, he will go on his favor – whether it is football, basketball or running.
Potency determines the ability of the men to the penis of the law. And is characterized by a degree of tension in the penis, speed of emergence of an erection and the intensity of sexual life overall.
With 30 years the frequency of sexual activity in men – on average 2-3 times a week. At the same time almost 25% of couples live sexual life, not more often than once a month, and 10% pamper each other intimate gatherings are just once in half a year and less often!
Increase libido with gusto!
Food can not only feed a hungry man-getter, but also upset. Feed his aphrodisiac, and the result will not wait!
Man, it is important to get his speed of protein foods – meat, fish, eggs. So that it lies over the stomach is a path not only to heart!
Anything so does not contribute to the activity in the bed, like the plain scrambled eggs. Seafood you your partner tune in to a erotic wave – oysters (and also Rapana, mussels and other marine reptiles) are considered to be an aphrodisiac.
Citrus fruits – just a storehouse of various vitamins! To become the sex-giant, a partner enough to eat half a lemon along with the peel for 2-3 hours into an intimate date. A night full of passion, guaranteed!
Well-known oriental recipe – tea with the addition of spices (cloves, ginger and saffron). And here on Caucasus for strengthening the male power preparing dishes from the testicles of the ram. They say, delicious!
Famous French mistress eat fresh artichokes and snails in Central Asia to enhance male power consumed pistachios. In India it is a traditional dish in such cases are considered to be the toasted sesame seeds, mixed with honey. And here is an Italian cuisine simply filled with various natural aphrodisiac: garlic, olive oil, tomatoes – these ingredients are practically in each plate of the national cuisine. This is the reason why a hot Italian macho are known for their increased libido!
Love drink # 9

To prepare a miracle potion, not necessarily looking for a magical wizard. Everything you need, a long time ago invented and actively used by the fans of herbal medicine.
One of the most famous recipes – a mixture of honey with walnuts. Mix in equal proportions of honey and crushed walnut kernels and let this mixture partner for 2 h. tbsp after 30 minutes after meals for 3-4 weeks.
Effective believe herbal collection of mint, nettle, clover and st john's wort. We need to take a teaspoon of each herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for about an hour. The filtered infusion of the power of the husband to a glass three times a day.
As an option, it's a different mixture. Take 100 g of dried apricots, dried plums, raisins, a tablespoon of granulated sugar, add to taste cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. All pour red wine and bothering the mixture on low heat for half an hour without the lid, then as long in a closed pan. This syrup come to the husband on a table spoon three times a day.
To increase the tone of the
- Erection also depends on how trained the muscles. Say the physically strong man is always sexually active!
- Fitness. If he has no desire to conquer the peaks of the mountains to go skiing enough, just a lot of move. As an option – each day of the walk or at least walk in the evening.
- Relaxing massages. On the human body a large number of points, which is able to how to relax and energize. And to stop are the sections that are responsible for the sexual mood. Regular massages or walks at home on the carpet will stimulate these areas and lead man to the correct state.
- Contrast shower. Improves blood circulation and trains the blood vessels. Taking together with him, shower, field him on the area of the pans first with cold water and then warm. After bathing together grind with a towel, and blood flow in the right place to ensure.
- Sauna. Accelerates blood circulation, thus improving sexual desire. And even promotes the formation of hormone happiness.